Free New Years 30 Day Fitness/Nutrition Challenge

Its almost time for the new year, and I wanted to launch another free 30 day challenge in which people could take the opportunity to make a real change in their lives if they were willing to. I have always believed that fitness should not be a commodity, but readily available to anyone who was interested in bettering themselves. From this we have created a community in which people take part, and make a change in their lives for the better. With this challenge we will break the 1,000 participant mark which I could not be more humbled, and proud!

Mae sure to sign up now for the challenge as it begins on January 1st and will run through January 31st!


I asked good friends of mine at Innovative Results to design a body weight routine for this challenge as people have always been asking for me to add this into the previous challenge. Marcus Martinez who is an On It Academy Certified Kettlebell master has taken the time to design a Kettlebell strength program in which he has added into the challenge as well. We aim to give you as many options as possible when increasing your knowledge about fitness. Make sure to check out their websites below!

Instagram: @Innovativeresults & @Battleropeexersizes

Owner / Main Contact Aaron Guyett


Marcus Martinez

Instagram: @Kettlebellexersizes

Owner / Main Contact Marcus Martinez