Frozen Protein Shake Hack

What can you do when you are not able to bring a blender with you to a lunch meeting? What are you supposed to do when you leave for the gym at 5AM and will not be home until 6 when you are done with work..... HOW can you make sure you get a post lunch protein shake in.

THE ANSWER IS HERE: FREEZE your shake the night before! I have done this so many times, and taken my frozen shake with me all morning! By the time I am ready to have my shake after lunch it has been thawing out for 6 hours, and is PERFECT!

BOOM. Hacked.

Share it with your friends, as FRIENDS DO NOT LET FRIENDS SKIP their shake.

Frozen Protein Shake.

Frozen Protein Shake.

The Rising Entrepreneur Podcast

Hey All!

Recently I was a guest on this amazing podcast, and I had the chance to talk about anything I wanted to really! It was the first time, I got to touch on the darkest time I personally had in my life (post motorcycle accident). I rarely talk about this but the impact that it had on my life was something I really will never forget, and how it forced me to change my mentality towards life while setting a date MONTHS in advance for me to Quit Smoking and make a change for my health.


Please take a minute to check it out, and let me know what you think! I HOPE you are able to pull something from it!



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3-29-16 By Curran

3-29-16 Post By: Curran

Such an amazing read, and I genuinely believe this. I watch a show called Fit to Fat To Fit, and watching the trainers who gain 40-60 lbs in 4 months usually battle with depression. Some of the people also suffer from extremely dangerous. Please take a moment and read this article in full. Maybe someone you know suffers from one of these deficiencies, and the doctors cannot figure it out. We must begin focusing on Nutrition/Education rather then prescribing a pill.

Entry One

Fitness is a journey, and a lifestyle. Always remember even during the times of pain, suffering and misery that without those feelings what would this all be worth. Those feelings and emotions make us stronger & better individuals. Once you accomplish a goal we only set new ones, so focus on the importance of the time spent working towards your goals rather then the goal itself. Have faith, and strength, and you will accomplish everything you set your mind to.